Friday, November 27, 2009

Bohemian Rhapsody - The Response

As you all know by now, The Muppets have celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with a brand new, epically awesome YouTube video covering Queen's hit song "Bohemian Rhapsody." According to some sources, over 75 Muppet characters appear in the video. Oh, why am I telling you? Just watch it again!

As you can tell, the video is most awesome. It has garnered tons of attention from blogs and was even featured on G4 TV's Attack of the Show television show. Currently, the video has 4,719,037 views, 27,809 ratings, and 8,106 comments on YouTube. Naturally, some of these comments are just awesome, so I thought it would be fun to feature a few of the comments on the blog. Keep in mind... most of these are NOT obsessed Muppet fans like you and I. Enjoy!

"4:37 Kermit uses windows 7 and OS X!" - zincrox

"MOMMMMMA!....dadda? I freakin' love the muppets" - gonnalaughatyou

"This video is full of win." - alitaki

"Sweet Bejeesus! Where have they been all this time? SO HAPPY to see those faces again." - mirroe

"You know, rather than repeating all the praise that's already been heaped, I'll just say that holy hell has America needed something to cheer itself up, and thank God we still have the Muppets." - WCityMike

"This is fan-freaking-tastic. Super funny, not painful to the ears, and actually smart! I love the whole "Mama" part (Dada?). Had me in stitches the whole time. :-)" - BunnyRabbitD

"Officially, the best thing posted on the internet since 1997." - grgee

"Officially, this might be the best thing posted on the internet EVER." - macknitter

"This is a most truly a Merry Muppet Mirth day. Marvelous!" - jamersplace

"The "Mehnamenah" guy is in this (2:22)... LOVE him!!" - Smather72

"So glorious... this just made my day, my week, and my month in one shot." - poiuppx

"I think the 'killed a man' part wasn't suitable for the Muppets, - mctrlsys

"Which is why he just kept saying 'Mamma?'" - JediGuy1490

"I think the way they dealt with it was rather clever :)" - themediashow

"I've considered it carefully, and have come to my conclusion: Yes, this was in fact the Best Thing Ever." - Trystera

"This is proof that the Muppets could make a comeback on tv today and still be as culturally relevant and respected as they were with The Muppet Show in the 70's." - toupbeat

"please tell me this will be released on itunes for purchase." - jstjohn83

"What an awesome way to mark today. Rather than sitting and listening with a sad smile on my face, I can watch this and feel glad about all Freddie did for music. Thank you" - simisola

"Rofl that was epically awesome! Everything I could of wished for!!!!" – doctorwhoobawooba

“Our language does not adequately convey the sheer awesome of that clip, nor does it allow me to properly express my gratitude at seeing it. I simply say "BLAHSHBSHAWESUM!" and tip my hat to you.” – mgfarrelly

“Right now my coworkers are staring at me and moving in the general direction of away. They tend to do that when I giggle uncontrollably. I shall carry this awesomeness with me all the rest of this dreary day. (Mama.... Mama! Mamamamamamama! Mama... Dada?)” – Ignatz

“Fish to eye = hilarious.” – SuperflyBrownEye

"muppets is a champions" - PEDROMERCURY87

"how did this happen? cgi magic? who what when where how why????" - ramonarickettez

"This was fantastic! Don't ever forget--Muppets Still Matter! :)" - OddByDefault

"This is the most incredible thing civilization will ever create. I'm still shocked with it's epicness"- iceberg210

"I want to point out that Fozzie is wearing a Hitler mustache" - overlookers

Oh muppets, we STILL love you." - glovestrong48

"this is the most crazy random stuff ever.....IT ROCKS!!!!!!  GO MUPPETS DONT STOP NOW!!!!!!" - faceurhell

"Well, if this isn't the Greatest Thing Ever, I don't know what is. More creativity and inspiration in 5 minutes than any number of 'artists' couldn't even get close to in a lifetime. Muppets rule." - chaffonline

"Me thinks the Muppets have been underdemesiated lately! Bring em back!" - MattandMatt

"This ain't epic dude... it's LEGENDARY!!! I love this so much." - fluffyninja6

"That was epic! I love the Muppets so much.
This has exceeded the Danny Boy sketch by far :)
A great big well done" - divvycaz123

"I had no idea Animal had such deep-seated maternal abandonment issues." - ButterflyHyJynx

"the cockroach muppet thing always scared me" - thefatwalrus1

"I'm pretty positive that this phenomenal video has greatly improved my quality of life." - puckfaery32115

"the best muppets ive seen since they went to space" - tropicalhobo

"This is the single greatest thing in the entire history of ever." - raineesue

And with that, Muppet fans, I leave you to go enjoy the video again. But before I do, I just need to say one thing... I believe we're witnessing the true comeback of the Muppets as a pop culture phenomenon (doo do doo do doo). All I can say is... well, it's about time. Welcome home, Kermit! We've got a fly-shoe pie waiting for you in the oven.

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier.