Friday, April 9, 2010

News Update: April 9, 2010

NEWS UPDATE: April 9, 2010
The Muppet Show Comic Book's trade paperback collection "Meet the Muppets" (which contains the first four issues of the series), written and drawn by Roger Langridge, has been nominated in The 2010 Eisner Awards for Best Humor Publication. The book is up against some pretty stiff competition of big names in the comic world, but hopefully Langridge's great artwork and story telling will muster up enough support to win.

The Jim Henson Company has
opened up an online store featuring merchandise from its family of characters, including Fraggle Rock. The Fraggle section is rather lackluster, unfortunately, and most of the merchandise looks like bad clip art. Hopefully more, better merchandise will fill up the store soon.

Sesame Workshop is debuting a brand new entry in their "Talk, Listen, Connect" series next week on PBS. The new special, called "When Families Grieve," follows Elmo and his cousin Jessie as they cope with the loss of Jesse's father, Jack. The special features Katie Couric and real families coping with the loss of loved ones. Sesame Workshop has uploaded numerous preview clips from the special which can all be viewed on their YouTube page.

Last week, some of the producers of ABC's Lost posted updates to their Twitter accounts stating that they had worked with the Muppets on set that day. Well, our good friends at ToughPigs dug a little deeper and found out that Kermit and the Swedish Chef will be appearing on the show's web series "Lost Slapdown." What exactly they'll be doing on the web-series is still unknown, but as soon as it goes online I'll let you know! Now... only eight seasons of Lost to catch up on before it debuts.

Finally, ToughPigs is accepting votes and comments on the hideous entrants of the Ugly Muppet Toy Pageant 2010. Some of these Muppet toys are just hideous so I'm sure many of you Muppet fans out there have a lot to say. So what are you waiting for? Email ToughPigs' Ryan at to submit your votes!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier