Manny's Land of Carpets: "All of a sudden... I know which voice to listen to!" --Gobo Fraggle
Junior Sells the Farm: "I am worried about becoming kind and loving and caring SMUDGES ON THE FLOOR!" --Red Fraggle
The Day the Music Died: "Nothing is more important than music!" --Gobo Fraggle, paraphrasing his Uncle Traveling Matt
The Doomsday Soup: "This banana-tree shirt is so dirty, the banana-trees are starting to GROW!" --Wembley Fraggle
A Cave of One's Own: "But we were just getting to the gushing blood part!" --Red Fraggle
Wembley and the Great Race: "Friendship is its own reward!" --Gobo and Wembley Fraggle
Doozer is as Doozer Does: "To whom it may concern (if anyone):" --Wrench Doozer
Boober's Quiet Day: "Really is a nice... quiet day. ...I HATE nice quiet days." --Doc
And there you have it! Two weeks of Quotations. Do you like the Fraggle hole I drew on the dry-erase board back home? And my mom got me a tripod for Hanukkah, which makes it MUCH easier to take pictures of my chalkboard without it turning out all blurry! I also got two rolls of quarters for laundry. Gotta love those practical gifts...
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier