As we've mentioned quite a few times in recent weeks, The Muppet Mindset turns one year old this week! (Tomorrow, to be precise.) We obviously wanted to do something special for all of The Muppet Mindset's fantastically awesome and loyal fans, contributors, and friends. We've got some great fun coming up throughout the rest of the week, but we couldn't think of a more fitting way to kick off the celebration than by asking our fans and contributors to contribute their thoughts and well-wishes for The Muppet Mindset. We've had such a great response from some wonderful people and we really can't thank everyone who has contributed and supported The Muppet Mindset in he past year enough for everything they've done. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... without all of you, The Muppet Mindset would be nowhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now enjoy our wonderful fans, contributors, friends, and colleagues as they talk about The Muppet Mindset!
~ Ryan Dosier
~ Ryan Dosier
The Muppet Mindset's
One Year Anniversary Celebration
Day 1 - Fans, Contributors, and Friends
"My favorite memories from the first year were coming on each Wednesday and seeing which Muppet you profiled. It was and still is fun to see and read about who they are and your thoughts on why each Muppet character is needed . I also liked reading your DVD Reviews and logging on to see that you posted heaps of updated news. I also liked how at the end of some of your posts you would put a little silly phrase or something, (for example, on your Father's Day you posted: Now... if you'll excuse me,I have to go mow the lawn for my dad) I liked those kind of things also." ~ Anthony Mazucca, Muppet Mindset Fan

"I have to be biased and say when my Muppet Toy Story article was published. It's the first time anything I've written has ever been featured in a more professional environment than my own blogs or on the fan fiction boards at Muppet Central, so this was a huge deal to me! I would have to say all the interviews you've featured have been just first rate as well and I think it's awesome that so many folks from the greater professional Muppet Community are so willing to reach out and connect with the fans in this way - it's just amazing!" ~ Beth Kondrick, Muppet Mindset Contributor

"Aside from the initial discovery of The Muppet Mindset as a great site to go to for everything Muppets, I have a few favorites from this year. I have enjoyed the interviews. The Weekly Muppet Wednesday profile about Dr. Honeydew as written by Beaker was, of course, a highlight - it's not every day you read something written by someone with that kind of star power. As a Disney fan, I liked the suggestion for Pixar to provide script assistance to the upcoming Muppet movie (which ironically ended up happening!). I also enjoyed anytime the British Correspondent took over; he's just plain funny. And lastly, my other favorite memory was having the privilege to write a Weekly Muppet Wednesday article about my favorite Muppet, Sam the Eagle!" ~ Blake (of, Muppet Mindset Contributor
"In the second year I would just like you to continue posting like you do and maybe post more links to Sesame Street skits and sketches that are not well know but make you laugh, and that you think others would enjoy. Maybe you could even post links to the Muppet Wiki to articles that struck you as interesting or funny, other than that, keep up the great work!!" ~ Anthony Mazucca, Muppet Mindset Fan
"More interviews with puppeteers, perhaps one with the makers of the new Muppet movie? Like Jason Segal! I LOVE that guy! Can I interview him, please?" ~ Jarrod Fairclough, Muppet Mindset Contributor

"I would love to learn more about Jim Henson and the other folks who created the concept. What were the story sessions like? What were some rejected ideas? Did they ever worry they were being a bit too risque for the family audience?" ~ Kevin Hodgson, Muppet Mindset Fan
"Online at the same address. Unless, of course, it's possible for the Mindset to move next door to Sesame Street and above Fraggle Rock." ~ Michael Wermuth, Jr., Frequent Muppet Mindset Contributor
"I really like the interviews; they open up a new perspective into a good variety of different parts of "backstage" that you wouldn't find elsewhere." ~ Blake (of, Muppet Mindset Contributor
"I just want to say happy first birthday to a great Muppet site!!! I really enjoy logging on and seeing what news and features you post each day, everyday is something new and exciting and that is what being a Muppet Fan is all about, learning something new but having fun and laughing while doing it, and I think your site captures that pretty well. Keep up the great work and thanks for all you do for us Muppet fans." ~ Anthony Mazucca, Muppet Mindset Fan

"To stay forever young! Or something like that." ~ Beth Kondrick, Muppet Mindset Contributor
"May your Muppet always make the world laugh.
"May your Muppet always make the world laugh.
Or something like that." ~ Kevin Hodgson, Muppet Mindset Fan
"To have an interview with somebody involved with production of Sesame Street DVD's to give us an overview of what it's like for one to get made and maybe help influence more classic Sesame Street DVD releases." ~ Michael Wermuth, Jr., Frequent Muppet Mindset Contributor
"My Birthday wish for the Muppet Mindset is that it get it's own *whispers really really quietly* internetchatforumtypeapplicationstyleforumthing" ~ Beauregard, Muppet Mindset Janitor

As a special treat, our good friend and frequent Muppet Mindset contributor, Shane Keating, created a video of two of his original puppet characters wishing us a very happy birthday (and providing a few shameless plugs along the way). Check it out!
And, finally, our friend Jarrod Fairclough was kind enough to make us a great birthday card...
If you would like to join The Muppet Mindset's one year anniversary celebration, post a comment here, let us know what you think on Facebook, or just say hello on Twitter! We would absolutely love to hear from you! Thanks again to all of our fantastic fans! Without you guys, none of this would be possible!
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier