The Top 5 Things to Look Forward To In Season 41Shane Keating - In case you haven’t seen it yet, Sesame Workshop has released their online press kit for Season 41 of Sesame Street, debuting September 27th (a day before my birthday!), complete with clips, descriptions and more! The season’s full of great things, but here’s what I think will be the most exciting.
This looks like a very interesting episode, starring Elmo (I can hear you groaning at home). Elmo finds Abby’s wand that she left behind and starts making everyone sing instead of talking. It’s almost like the Simpsons episode, “All Singing, All Dancing”, except this isn’t a cheesy clip show. Plus, it’s got Bob great singing voice! When was the last time we heard that? (Answer: 2007) If the whole episode is as catchy as the video clip, I’m gonna have one long music file on my iPod!
Every year, the show churns out some really great, funny parodies of what’s hot now and stuff from the past. Some of the more recent ones have been really popular online, including last season’s “Mad Men” spoof and season 39’s “Pre-School Musical”. This season’s got a lot of interesting looking ones. One is “True Mud” (a parody of True Blood) where a man orders mud, but gets things that rhyme with mud (Apparently, it’s got Jerry Nelson in it!). A parody of The Closer features literal cases getting literally closed. The one I’m looking forward to the most is a parody of “It’s Raining Men” titled “It’s Raining Cookies” sung by…who else? Cookie Monster! I can’t stop listening to the preview clip they uploaded! There’s also parodies of the Fantastic Four (the Furry Four), The A-Team (complete with Telly in Mr. T-esque jewelry) and Katy Perry’s “Hot N Cold” (I was so thinking her song would be a good song to make about opposites).
4. THERE’S AN APP FOR THATOne episode this season stars Telly, where a salesman named Mack (Get it?) sells him the “iPogo”, a fancy new pogo-stick. However, Telly finds that while it can perform many functions, like calling people, taking pictures and cooling Baby Bear’s porridge, it’s not good at actually being a pogo-stick. Sound familiar to you? This one sounds like a really funny episode with a very funny, satirical story.
Any episode with Grover as the star is bound to be sheer excellence. In this one, his Super Grover cape needs to be washed, but when he sees everyone in the Laundromat needs help, he creates a new superhero to help them – Iron Monster. As usual, he’s not good at helping (or using his super suit). His costume looks awesome (he looks like something out of the animated movie “Robots”) and the story’s full of characters Grover “helps” (Bert, Cookie, Chris, Maria, Gina and Gabi). With Grover as the star, you can’t go wrong, but when Grover’s involved in anything, something’s bound to go wrong anyways.
Starting with season 39, the show’s been adding some longer segments featuring main characters. We’ve got “Elmo’s World”, “Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures”, “Murray Has a Little Lamb” and “Abby’s Flying Fairy School.” But now, we’ve got “SUPER GROVER 2.0!” It’s about time! I’ve been asking for new Super Grover sketches and looks like I got my wish (to some extent). He’s got a whole new outfit, a new super car (Will he still crash land?) and new mission: helping everyone around the world with their problems. Since Global Grover got the metaphorical axe, it’s good that Grover gets a new segment. And did they go all out or what?!
So, tune into season 41 when it hits your TVs this September to see all this and more!
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier