Jarrod Fairclough Presents: "?"
Because Asking Questions Is A Good Way To Find Out Things
Question: What the heck is going on with the Fraggle Rock Movie?

We had some fair discussion on this topic over at the Muppet Central Forum just after it was posted, with a few people giving their opinions, mainly on the proposed "edgy" factor and the Weinstein Company. I was pretty impressed to see people’s thoughts, and, without them giving their written consent, I am going to tell you a few things they said. Please don’t sue me. (Ryan's Note: Or me.)
Frequent Muppet Mindset contributor James Gannon wrote, “Weinstink is clearly waffling and maguffening the movie so they never have to spend their precious money to make it... Henson... GET OUT OF WEINSTINE FAST OR THIS MOVIE WILL NEVER GET MADE!”

Muppet Central Forum member Luke wrote that he doesn’t see this film being made by Weinstein, and that he believes that Henson will go and co-produce with someone more traditional. I think to keep the Fraggles with the integrity they already have, this is a good idea. I can’t see Weinstein doing a good job with this film.
And then my new favorite person this week, James Gannon, came back for more, and he did not hold back: "The 'edginess' thing seems like a complete and utter ploy. There's no way they'll get this into production if they keep ordering a set of phony baloney rewrites...Weinstein was Henson's partner back several years ago when all they contributed was making little CGI kiddy flicks. Lionsgate has been a strong partner...releasing the back catalog of older specials and projects owned by Henson...much better than even Disney and Sesame Workshop have been doing. I say, jump ship... go to Lionsgate... let Weinstein go under."
But all this time, I’ve known the answer to my question. Truth be told, I got an answer before I submitted the first article with the question, otherwise I wouldn’t have submitted it. I said that I was going for a particular person’s answer, and I don’t think many people had a problem realizing that someone was Cory Edwards, the (hopefully) writer and director of the film. So, with his actual written consent, I am going to copy and paste his answer to "What the heck is going on with the Fraggle Rock Movie?"
I'm always up for talking to Fraggle fans. I wish I had something more definitive and less frustrating to share. But the answer to your question is the same as it has been for months: Nothing. Nothing is going on with the movie... or if it is, I am not being told about it (sadly, this could also be possible). After two years and ten drafts of what many insiders called a very good script and something that was very true to the original series, the Weinstein Company has placed the project on an indefinite hold.
The studio has talked about bringing in a new writer and an entirely fresh take on the story, which I am open to. I remain cautiously optimistic (emphasis on "cautious"). But it's been a really, really long time with no new communication from the studio. The ball is entirely in their court. Both the Weinstein Company and the Jim Henson Company are very aware of my excitement and eagerness to move forward, in whatever way they eventually decide to proceed. But right now, there's not a lot of proceeding. Believe me, if there is even the slightest "break in the case," as the Law & Order boys say, I will post it on my blog immediately!
Thanks to all the fans who remain enthusiastic. Be patient, that's all I can say. These things take time!
Cory Edwards"
Well, didn’t that just ruin your day? So the answer to this week's question is... Not a lot!
Well, all I can say Muppet fans is cross your fingers, your toes, your eyes, your arms, your legs, and your ears. But don’t go out in public like that, or old ladies will throw rocks at you. Believe me. It’s a long story; I don’t want to go in to it. All I’ll say is that charges are pending, and I’m taking that old lady down.
Well, that’s it for another installment of "?". I shall be back soon with another question. Also, feel free to comment here, or on the Muppet Central Forum, or on Facebook to request questions or characters you want questioned. Someone wrote on my Oscar article “Questions about Pepe!” which I’ll hopefully get on to soon, when I can think of a question about him!
As for now, I’m about to finish my last week of university for the year--studying animation, by the way. And then I’m going away, or technically for the majority of you, coming to your country. I’m spending three weeks in the U.S soon, and, hopefully, I’ll be able to have a Muppet experience to tell you I already have something planned with Muppeteer Paul McGinnis.
But I’ll be seeing you before I go, and I hope you all have a Fraggle-icious day, and dance your cares away.
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier