Jarrod Fairclough Presents: "?"
Because Asking Questions Is A Good Way To Find Out Things
Question: What the heck is going on with the Fraggle Rock Movie?
Jarrod Fairclough - Good day my little friends, and welcome to the next edition of "?", where I ask hard hitting questions about grouches and Katy Perry. Today's question is one that has been addressed several times--on this very site, on ToughPigs, and on a particular blog, led by a particular person, who I shall be, after writing this, e-mailing for a certain answer. It’s something a little more serious than Katy Perry’s chest or Oscar’s head, but something that every Muppet fan wants to know.
Today's question is: What the heck is going on with the Fraggle Rock Movie?
For too many years, we Fraggle fans have been teased and teased with the prospect of new Fraggle material, namely a Fraggle Rock movie! The Hensons have said its definitly going to happen, and Cory Edwards has been updating us on his blog about all the trials and tribulations that go on making this film. Apparently the producing people gave Cory a few notes on one of his last scripts that said “Isn’t edgy enough” – It’s Fraggle freakin’ Rock, it’s not meant to be edgy! You want edgy puppets, go see Avenue Q. (Note: That is in no way a jab at Avenue Q. Truth be told, it’s really the only musical I have ever liked, and I tried to audition for the Australian tour.)

We need to end the Fraggles on a high note. I’m not sure about you, but the animated series wasn’t really the best thing in the world. And I don’t know about you, but if ‘Follow Me’ isn’t in the movie, I’m going to cry like a little girl! Well, I’m now going to get to the bottom of this, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to dance my cares away.
Cheers, Muppet fans!
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier