NEWS UPDATE: October 14, 2010
Our friends over at have announced that a special, 15-DVD set of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson will be released on October 26th. The contents of the set were announced and among such unknowns as Robin Williams, Chevy Chase, Alice Cooper, Jerry Seinfeld, and Betty White are Jim Henson and The Muppets. Yes, Jim's first appearance on The Tonight Show from 1965 will be included on the set. The appearance features Jim performing a drunk Muppet (Dr. Phil van Neuter?) singing "Let Me In" and the classic Kermit "Inchworm" sketch. ToughPigs has a link to a YouTube video with the clips, so you don't have to spend the $119.99 to buy the whole set... but you should still consider it--I know I am!
Speaking of the RoughFigs (yes, I'm running out of goofy names for them), Ryan Roe and Joe Hennes (who I may or may not be feuding with) went to New York Comic Con 2010 last weekend and brought back an awesome recap of all the Muppety stuff they found. They even met friends of the blog Amy Mebberson, Jesse Blaze Snider, and James Silvani (pictured at right)--they also met Caroll Spinney (darn them). Apparently there's going to be some video interviews with these folks sometime soon, so let's nag them about that!

And, finally, have you seen Grover's latest viral web sensation? If not, then you obviously don't know how to smell like a monster--a crucial thing to know if you're going to work the cute and cuddly angle. Check out the funniest Sesame video you'll see all year!
Now... if you'll excuse me, I must be off. I've got two tickets to that thing I love.
The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier